Nurturing and embracing curious minds.

Welcome to mi kids. We are a brand new, family-owned Northern Beaches long-day early childcare centre and pre-school at Warriewood. We cater for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers and aim for excellence in education and care.

Our centre exceeds national industry standards
We are very excited and extremely proud to advise that the Department of Education has completed their Assessment and Rating process and, as a result, we have been rated as exceeding national quality standard under the National Quality Framework set by Government’s Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA).
What this means and our rating summary  »

northern beaches childcare centre exceeds acecqa standards

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long day childcare warriewood

Our Curriculum

At mi kids Warriewood we embrace the different learning styles of each child through tailored daily programs and expressed learning opportunities via music, bodily kinesthetics, mathematics, visual, verbal, nature and group experiences.
We offer and are committed to thoughtful and meaningful programs that are based on the diversity of learners in our school and work together with community groups and families to pursue excellence through collaborative and reflective teaching practices. Through a nurturing environment we put children’s rights first and give each child a sense of belonging, being and becoming. Celebrating diversity, culturally and intellectually within the child, the family and the community.
More information about our curriculum »

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Take a visual tour of the Centre

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